Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Blackened Pork

I go to a blog to get recipes all the time and I love how she always takes a picture of all the ingredients you will need to make the recipe. So I will be doing this for you. Notice that the pork that I used has a lot of marbling. This keeps the pork moist, even though it seems like you cook it to death.
Boneless pork ribs
Olive Oil
Garlic Salt
Montreal Steak Seasoning
Onion, Mushrooms, Zuchini, Squash, and any other veggies you want to try. These are my favorite but they are all flexible.

Cut ribs into approximately 3oz portions. Wash pork. Coat with Montreal Steak Seasoning and Garlic Salt. I like to use the couse garlic salt, but you can use what ever you have. The Steak seasoning is what really gives it the good flavor. Pour olive oil in your skillet. I love my large skillet. I use it over 2 burners so I can cook everything at once. Heat up skillet. You will want to start the pork before you start the veggies. Raw pork and over cooked veggies, not a good combination. You will need to add more oil as you cook to keep things from sticking. Keep turning your meat till all sides are blackened, and the meat is done. Thick pieces may take a while. I use a sheet of tin foil to cover as everything cooks because you do get a lot of oil splatter, and it helps to keep everything moist. Add more seasoning if you need. Serve over rice.

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Lani said...

looks like a lot of great recipes heres! Yum!

Amanda said...

This looks so good! I will definitely make it! Yellow squash and zucchini are two of my favorite veggies, so yummy!

Laura said...

Kara brought this to our house and it was awesome!! You should try it right now.